As winter approaches and the temperature falls, finding ways to save money on your heating bills becomes a top priority. One of the simplest strategies is adjusting your thermostat settings to optimize energy usage without losing comfort.

With many options and techniques available, homeowners can lower your heating costs while still making your home cozy throughout the chilly season. Regardless of whether you prefer a programmable thermostat or manual device, there are plenty of ways to find the ideal balance between warmth and savings.

Overall, a good guideline is the lower the temperature inside your home and the less difference there is between the air inside your home and the outside temperature, the more money you will save on your monthly energy costs.

Money-Saving Thermostat Settings While You Are at Home

When you’re at home, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recommends putting your thermostat to between 68°F and 70°F in the winter. That’s warm enough to keep most families comfortable, but also low enough to be energy efficient.

Effective Temperature Settings While You Going to Be Out of Your Home

The DOE states you can save up to 10% on your energy costs by turning down your thermostat 7-10 degrees for eight hours a day. By doing this, you’re not wasting money heating your home while you’re not there.

Authorities say, if you are going on vacation or will be gone a prolonged period of time, you can adjust your thermostat as low as 50 degrees. Doing this will keep your furnace running so you don’t have any frozen or burst pipes waiting for you when you get home.

When you return to your home, raise the temperature gradually. That will keep your heating system from running too hard, which it could if you raise the temperature on your thermostat quite high right away.

Suggested Thermostat Settings While You Are Sleeping

The nice thing about sleep-time thermostat settings in the winter is that people generally sleep well when it’s a little colder. The National Sleep Foundation states somewhere between 66 and 70 degrees is the best temperature range for great sleep.

Additional Methods to Use Less Energy on Your HVAC in Winter

There are several other techniques you can utilize to consume less energy this winter while you heat your home. They include:

Examine your insulation levels

Insulate doors, windows and walls to cut down on drafts, keep warm air inside and avoid heat loss. This will limit the workload on your HVAC system and save energy.

Buy a programmable thermostat

Purchase a programmable thermostat to regulate the temperature in your home effectively. Set lower temperatures when you're away or asleep and increase them only when necessary.

For even more savings, buy a smart thermostat that can detect when you are in or out and change the temperature appropriately. To learn more about these systems or for smart thermostat installation in Buellton, get a hold of the skilled technicians at Allstar Heating & Air Conditioning. We can provide you with information about how smart thermostats can help your home's comfort—and your pocketbook.

H3: Plan furnace maintenance:

Plan to hire someone to do regular maintenance for your HVAC system. A well-maintained heating system runs more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and possibly avoiding costly repairs. Clean or exchange air filters routinely to assure proper airflow.

For furnace maintenance in Buellton, call the team at Allstar Heating & Air Conditioning. Our specialists will get your system in top shape!

Seal air leaks

Locate and fill in any air leaks in your home. Frequent places for leaks tend to be windows, doors, attic hatches and ductwork. Plugging these gaps prevents warm air from escaping, making your HVAC system work less to maintain a sufficient temperature.

Update your HVAC system

If your HVAC equipment is old, inefficient or just isn’t able to keep your home as warm as you want, furnace replacement may be a smart long-term decision. Contemporary furnaces are highly efficient, which can significantly decrease your monthly bills compared to an old or inefficient model.

If you’re considering getting a new heating system, call the pros at Allstar Heating & Air Conditioning. We’re noted for knowledgeable furnace installation in Buellton and will help you pick a unit that’s well suited for your home! Call 805-242-9638 today to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation estimate!